dinsdag 28 augustus 2012

Meet the team!

Because we like to get to know our customers, we would also like to introduce ourselves. This week is up to:
Meet Travis Hatridge! He is our partner, all the way from Texas, USA! He's been living in Amsterdam for 8 years already and just got signed off in Advanced Latte Art!

Hi Travis, tell us, what did you decide to work with Starbucks?!
Well, I heard about this new store, which was all built in a sustainable way, they said, which got me interested. But first of all, I just needed a job, off course!;-)

Alright! What is it exactly what makes you so interested in this whole sustainability matter!?
I did my final thesis in Sustainability in Corporate Social Responsibility! That will explain enough.;-) I finished my study International Business Management last June.

What recommondations do you have for Starbucks regarding this matter?!
I think Starbucks is doing a good job at this point, but there are still things to improve. Like more recycling in cups perhaps? I know there are lots of regulations to items which are in contact with food though, but still we could maybe examine this more?

What do you think you'll be doing in 2 years?!
Well, I would like to work at the Starbucks Support Centre, actually. I really like my job as a barista, because of the nice colleagues and customers, but I hope there will be an opening for an entry-level position in Corporate Social Rensponsibility. I heard that they hire people more easily from inside the company. Will see!:-)

What's your favourite drink, Travis?
That will be a Latte with Hazelnut and Almond syrup!

Let's go English!

Because the majority of our readers don't speak Dutch, we are making the transition to English. However Starbucks the Bank will stay a Dutch store focusing on our Dutch audience, in and around Amsterdam. By writing in English we are communicating to a much wider audience, lots of people have shown interest in what Starbucks is achieving in the Netherlands. In the mean time we are busy with lots of new things. Performances have been booked for this autumn and we are introducing a new espresso based beverage. We are looking forward to meet you soon!
Omdat het overgrote deel van de lezers van deze blog geen Nederlands spreken, maken we de overgang naar Engels. Desalniettemin blijft Starbucks the Bank een Nederlandse winkel welke zich richt op Nederlandse gasten, in en om Amsterdam. Door het in Engels schrijven bereiken we nu een groter publiek, veel mensen buiten Nederland blijken erg geinteresseerd in wat Starbucks in Nederland aan het doen is. Ondertussen zijn we vol in ontwikkeling, diverse optredens staan gepland voor het najaar en we introduceren volgende week een nieuw espresso drankje. Wie zien je graag snel! 

woensdag 15 augustus 2012

Shift Supervisors gezocht!

Feeling Courageously?

Starbucks zoekt voor verschillende locaties in Amsterdam dappere en energieke Shift Supervisors!
We hebben een open sollicitatie avond op

woensdag 22 Augustus tussen 17:00-20:00

op onze locatie aan het Rembrandtplein.
Neem je CV mee en check www.starbucks.nl voor meer informatie!

Wie weet geef jij straks leiding aan een geweldige club internationale mensen in één van onze prachtige locaties!

vrijdag 3 augustus 2012


Alleen deze drie dagen verkrijgbaar! Een frisse Juice Frappuccino in een gezellig rose tintje!